Author: Karolina Krawczyk

DSRC – vehicle-to-vehicle communication and data protection

Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) is a system in which information is shared between vehicles (V2V) and between vehicles and infrastructure (V2I). In general, this technology is intended to aid the flow of anonymised information on driving conditions. It seems however that DSRC might also entail collection and processing of personal data.

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Green light for autonomous vehicles in Poland?

The green light may have been given, but it is not glowing very brightly. Amendments to the Polish Road Traffic Law suggest a real possibility of self-driving cars becoming widely used in Poland. The new rules will allow roads to be used for testing autonomous vehicles. The act is also the first act in the Polish legal system to define an autonomous vehicle, which is a vehicle fitted with systems that control the vehicle’s movement and enable it to move without driver interaction, which a driver can take control over at any time (Art. 65k).

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