Why newtech.law?

We have known for a long time that new technology is a dynamic field. But the pace of change has greatly outstripped our imagination. Assisting clients from the new technology sector on a daily basis, we are mindful of the huge transformations awaiting us in the years ahead. We must be prepared.

So far we have tried when possible to present our thoughts on the firm’s “In Principle” portal or in the form of regularly distributed bulletins on new technology law. But the challenges new technologies bring demand much more flexible tools. Hence the decision to launch our blog.

The blog will be an arena where our lawyers and invited guests share their perceptions on the topic of new technologies. Based on the professional profile of the authors, the texts we publish will be written primarily from a legal perspective. But our aim is not just to create another specialised forum for lawyers practising in this area. We also want to highlight the broader context of new technologies. We don’t believe that the essence of the transformations occurring before our eyes can be properly grasped without skilfully combining multiple perspectives. For this reason our blog will also include posts on ethical, cultural and social aspects of new technologies.

By framing the specialist knowledge of our lawyers in a broader social and cultural context, we hope to raise the debate over new technologies to a new level. The ideals guiding us in creating the blog are explained more thoroughly in the article “Technology and its discontents.”

In light of our aims, the blog will assume a highly flexible format. Here you will find both brief posts and in-depth reports. There will be monologues but also discussions. We have also moved here articles we previously published as bulletins. Don’t be put off by the differences in style between the various items in the blog. We are a large and diverse team of lawyers, and this will be reflected in what we write.

We hope that you appreciate our approach and that the blog becomes a point of reference

Krzysztof Wojdyło, krzysztof.wojdylo@wardynski.com.pl