Posted on Categories IT

Something in the air: Using cloud software

Phrases like “using the cloud,” “software in the cloud,” or “cloud computing” long ago ceased to generate primarily meteorological associations. Our mail hangs in the cloud today, along with various computer programmes—from simpler tools like “GoToMeeting” to complex customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resourcing planning (ERP) systems.

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Posted on Categories changes in law, IT

New regulations on blocking websites

Last year we discussed, in the context of copyright infringement, whether an Internet service provider could be required to block access to a specific web page. The conclusion was that current law did not expressly provide for such measures but attempts to apply them could not be ruled out. But a number of legislative proposals have appeared recently calling for blocking of Internet content that does not infringe copyright.

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Posted on Categories IT, judicature

ERROR 451:Site unavailable for legal reasons

Can internet service providers be ordered to block a specific website?

Blocking websites has recently become a popular method for combating legal violations, particularly in the context of copyright protection. It’s enough to glance at the rulings from the last few months. In late May a court in Tel Aviv ordered Israeli ISPs to block access to a service where films and TV shows could be viewed without the consent of the copyright holders using the BitTorrent protocol. This followed in the trail of the English High Court, which less than a month earlier issued a very similar injunction. And shortly thereafter the same court order British ISPs to block access to portals offering e-books without authorisation.

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